2nd October 2021
Week 5 has been a fun-filled nutritious week! We kicked off by having fruity snacks on Monday morning. The children were also taught how to eat a rainbow! They promised to eat more healthily by adding fruits and vegetables of different colours to their plates every day. We ended the week by digging and replanting rosemary bushes.
What did we learn this week?
In Mathematics, the children learnt how to take away using different manipulatives and their fingers. They also used ‘-‘ and ‘=’ signs to write subtraction number sentences.
In Literacy, we focused on the story of ‘The scarecrows wedding’. Most of the children were able to retell the story in sequential order. We also explored our five senses through sensory walks in our environment.
Class Trip
As earlier communicated, our educational trip is scheduled for Friday, 8th October 2021.
A kind reminder to parents to send back the ‘Disclaimer Slip’ and the payment for the trip.