2nd October 2021
This has been a highly charged and exciting week. The health and nutrition program started with a yummy fruit breakfast on Monday. During the week, children also got to plant seedlings and had a scavenger hunt for a healthy goodie bag.
Friday's sports day was the week's highlight. Congratulations to all our Braestars and parents for making it fun and lively!
Curriculum coverage during the week:
Engilsh | Narratives, parts of speech |
Mathematics | Add and subtract mentally three digit numbers. |
Science | Functions of teeth |
Geography | Ordnance map symbols, sketch maps |
History | Cave paintings |
Our class trip will be on Thursday, 7th October 2021.
Kindly send back the trip’s consent form by Monday, 4th October 2021.
To note
We have a morning Zumba work out on Monday , 4th October 2021. Kindly allow your child to dress in his/her PE kit. Thank you.